Pastor Will Langstaff, Jr. bore a passion concerning the terms “servant” and “reasonable service” since his early teens. A few years after coming to Christ, he went to a tent revival conducted by Brother Boware (his preferred title) that forever changed his life. He attempted to reject the part of Brother Boware’s sermon that stated ‘our bodies are not our own – they belong to God.’ This began a struggle that caused him to grow in the Lord. The struggle ended when God touched his heart with Romans 12:1, which became the cornerstone for our church’s name.
~ Pastor Will Langstaff
After 25 years of marriage and 21 years in the USAF, he and his wife Abby were in prayer as to which direction to take upon graduation from Dallas Theological Seminary. The pastor was awakened at 3:00 a.m. on January 6, 1999, with peace and the architectural essentials to plant THE SERVANT HOUSE.
Reverend C. J. McCary was enthusiastic when he first heard how God had blessed the Langstaff family. He and his wife, Camilla, the Harlowes (Jenny and Chris) and the Richardsons (Isaac and Debra) formed the founding families.
The first meeting was held on January 24, 1999, in Pastor and Sister Langstaff’s home. Over a three-month period, the core group met to assess and develop church core values, a mission statement and a strategy that complemented the vision for the church as given by God. The pastor taught the biblical basis for needed actions.
Home Bible studies were conducted in the home of the Langstaffs from April 7th though April 28th, 1999. On May 5, 1999, Bible study was moved to the Wellington Elementary School. On July 7, the church moved to Building Eight (8) of the Lakeland Baptist Church on Edmonds Street in Lewisville. Meaningful corporate worship ensued and the Grand Opening Worship Service was held on October 4, 1999. On March 2, 2002, the members simulated a “Red Sea” march to the new campus at 911 West Round Grove Road in Lewisville, TX.
We have continued to grow from the 4 founding families by the grace of God. The Servant House was planted to be a spiritual community, which models the kingdom of God on earth (John 17:14-19; 1 Peter 2:4-12).
God has wonderfully blessed us to successfully start small group ministries, Vacation Bible School/Revivals, nursery, children and teen ministries, and enhance all ministries leading to the support of worship and Bible studies. Our role is to ‘look like the world and love like Christ.’ Our vision is to help build strong Christian families and servants of God that transcend world conformity based on biblical truth. Hence our mission is “Reaching and Strengthening Servants Worldwide for Christ”.
Come join us!