Welcome to The Servant House!

For just a moment, forget everything you know about church. Now, imagine a family oriented place to worship God where the gospel of Christ is shared locally and abroad.

Imagine a place where no one does life alone but rather does life together through Life Groups. This is The Servant House! We are a church on a mission to reach and strengthen servants worldwide for Christ. It is our desire for you to join us and become part of this community. There is no better place for you to grow in Christ than in the local church!

Pastor Will Langstaff


What’s New at The Servant House

What’s New at The Servant House



Agape is the highest love. Agape is the supreme gift of God seen in Jesus and in us through the Holy Spirit. This supreme gift of love should govern our thoughts, actions and deeds. Love grows us for the glory of God and the good of all in our circle and path. Agape, true love does not vary with the wind of circumstances, moods, or difficulties. Agape love is faithful in good times, bad times and in between times. True agape love is humble, kind, patient and helpful. Agape love Never Fails. Love is the highest evidence of our maturity in Christ. Think, speak and act only in God’s love, grace and mercy for the greatest victories in life and blessings to others. So let us minister in God’s agape love to all in our family, friends and church at all times.  Share God’s love. Forgive all who have wronged you to live in the profit of God’s love.

Feb 2

Agape is the Best

1 Cor 13:1-7

Feb 9

Agape is Victorious

1 Cor 13:8-13

Feb 16

Agape for All

1 John 3:16-23

Feb 23


Rev Paul

 (Wednesday Night)

Hear and Speak to God!

Feb 5

Hear and Speak to God!

Rev Paul

Feb 12

Hear and Speak to God!

Rev Paul

Feb 19

Hear and Speak to God!

Rev Paul

Feb 26

Hear and Speak to God!

Rev Paul


Sunday Sermons

Wednesday Sermons

FOCUS 2025

Live in God’s Promises for Endless Victories

For all the promises of God in Him are Yes, and in Him Amen, to the glory of God through us.

2 Corinthians 1:20 (NKJV)

We ask that all members do the “Sevens” (Membership Action Plan)

A.C.T.S. (Adore God. Confess sin. Thank God. Supplicate.)

Pray A.C.T.S. to God at least seven times each day.

Provide at least seven A.C.T.S. of kindness to your family each week.

Provide at least seven A.C.T.S. of kindness to your TSH family each week.

Invite monthly at least seven unchurched people to TSH.

Every member covenant to bring one new member.